Backer definition

Backer definition, a person who supports or aids a person, cause, enterprise, etc. Définition de backer dans le dictionnaire français en ligne.

Prononciation de backer définition backer traduction backer signification backer . One that backs a person, group, or enterprise: financial backers of a ballet company. Le Backer ou Becqueteur des habitants d’Oeland et de Gothlan que nous reconnaissons plus sûrement pour une hirondelle de mer, aux particularités qu’on . Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries. Definition, pronunciation, examples translations.

Definition of backer: nouna person or company that backs someone ExampleOne of the company’s backers has withdrawn. Backer: (finacial) someone with a lot of money who is stupid. What does the term backer means as it applies to the world of poker?

What is the definition of the term backer? Define back: the rear part of the body : the part of the body that is opposite to the stomach. See back defined for English-language learners.

His backers in the crowd quickly shouted down the . Le glossaire référence les définitions en français ou en anglais.